Monday, July 9, 2012


Today my girlfriend and I and a bunch of our friends were supposed to go bowling. Well just this morning we found out that the bowling alley changed it's schedule and is now closed on Mondays. Nobody was free for any other night so we had to go do something tonight and everyone wanted to go see a movie. We all decided to go see the new movie "Ted." Now if you haven't heard of this movie yet, it's about a grown man and his talking teddy bear. It looked really hilarious. Well if you read my introduction, I'm 16 and this movie is rated R. Now I'm aloud to see R movie...but only if my parents (dad) approve it and, of course, my dad said I can't see it. :/

So at this point I'm really mad at my dad because he won't let me go see the movie plus we weren't going to go see a different movie just because I couldn't see it because everyone else going is at least 19 so they can do what they want. So I end up getting stuck at home with nothing to do and nowhere to go and I don't get to see my girlfriend at all today. And to make it even better, everybody is going swimming afterwards. Now I don't know about you guys, but I love swimming, ESPECIALLY when it's this hot outside. Now I get a lot hotter than normal people so I'm even hot in the winter, so that just makes me wanna get into water even more.

So that's pretty much my day and if anyone was having a bad day I hope this blog helped you feel better about yourself.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Being Sick

Sooo. I have this crazy insane immune system where I like RARELY get sick at all. The last time I was sick was about 3 years ago on the day of my birthday party. I woke up in the morning feeling like crap (or P diddy ;)) and I was throwing up a bunch and well you get the just of it. Anyway, we had to cancel my party that day and I stayed home from school. BUT of course with my immune system i ended up feeling perfectly new by about noon. So rather than the whole day, I was sick for about 5 hours :/

Well now, 3 years later, I find out that I have mono. And this could've actually been in my system for about 2 or 3 months. The doctor told me that these glands in my neck were swollen and that pretty much gave it away. Well I thought that they were just knots in my neck because I have bad neck and back problems with a bunch of knots and stuff. But no they were actually glands (good thing I didn't have my girlfriend rub them out that would've been bad lol).

 So the way this mono thing happened was kind of gradual. I woke up about 3 days ago with a kind of dry throat and had that thing where you swallow and it hurts. Well it wasn't that bad and I had it other times before if my window is open while I'm sleeping. Well it got better throughout the day and the next morning I woke up and it was about the same again so I figured I'd close my window the next night. Throughout that day I just took some tylenol and it made the soreness in  my throat go away. So the NEXT morning I woke up was a Saturday and I had computer programming class. It hurt a little bit more but not like extreme. My mom thought I might have strept throat so we went to the doctor to find out. When I was there, the doctor found the glands and stuff and asked me questions and you know the usual doctor procedure. And they decided to take my blood and do a test.

The test results came back about ten minutes later and we found out that I had mono. When the doctor told me this I kinda looked at her funny and said "are you sure?" Because every time I've heard of someone having mono, they were puking and just felt like complete crap and I felt perfectly fine I actually went home and ate 17 pizza rolls and 3 eggs and bunch of other food like a normal person.

Well that was yesterday and this morning I woke up and my throat hurt worse. I'm guessing it was pretty early when I woke up so I went back to sleep. Then when I woke up the second time it was about 10 million times worse than a couple hours before, ALL because of sleeping. I don't know why this is but I guess when I sleep sometimes, I wake up with an extremely dry mouth and throat but this hasn't gone away yet and every time I swallow now I cringe at the pain in my neck. I honestly would rather get staples in my head (which has happened before due to a head injury and I got staples instead of stitches).

Soooo yeah that had been my past 4 days and I'm sorry it was so long but if you enjoyed reading about my suffering (lol) then please stayed tuned for more sometime :)

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Well I'm 16 years old almost done with Sophmore year of high school. I play guitar, sometimes play video games, like to work out a lot, and yes I have a girlfriend and yes she is in college. I'm really not much of a writer so that's all for now maybe I will come up with some other stuff.